Altium designer 17 guide free

Altium designer 17 guide free

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Altium designer 17 guide free -


PDF bookmarks are created for each net and component in the design. The Choose Export Target page allows you to specify what is to be exported and where it will be saved.

Choose to export either the Current Project or Current Document. Either selection lists the name of the current project and current document.

Click to open the Export To dialog from where you can choose the desired path. You also can use the selection options available from the right-click menu.

Use the Variant drop-down menu to select an assembly variant and template, if required. Use the Template altium designer 17 guide free menu to select the desired template or click to open the Choose Template Filename dialog from жмите сюда you can choose the desired template. Enable the Relative Path to Template File checkbox to show the relative path of the selected template. Use the right-click menu to further configure the altium designer 17 guide free for each layer.

Right-click menu options include:. If Use Physical Structure is checked, the exported schematic sheets will be expanded to physical sheets rather than logical sheets. If the option is not checked, further options are not available.

OutJob file. The sizes available for PDF generation are fixed, and independent of those offered by the default printer, and remain independent regardless of the type of printer chosen as the default. In other words, selecting an A3 paper size when generating a PDF through an Output Job file перейти на страницу remain at that size, even if you switch your default printer to the small A4 Inkjet down the corridor! The following fixed set of paper sizes are available for use by the PDF Printer:.

You can also define custom page sizing with respect to output generated in PDF format. Custom page sizing is defined on the System - Printer Settings page of the Preferences dialog. The drop-down menu associated to the Add button presents a variety of predefined custom sizes:. Choose an entry to have that size added to the list. If you need a different sizing, simply add a predefined sizing, select читать далее entry in the list, and click the Edit Page button.

The Edit page dialog will appear from where you can specify:. The defined custom page sizes will be presented on the Size fields' menu when configuring page properties prior to exporting to PDF. When the target for an applicable output generator is changed from a PDF Output Container to a physical printer Hard Copyit is quite possible that the paper size defined for the generator - through the relevant properties dialog right-click, Page Setup - may not be supported by the target medium.

In this case, the connecting line from generator to medium is colored red. For each schematic, bookmarks are provided based on your settings, which enables you to browse documents as well as individual components and nets residing altium designer 17 guide free that document. If the source schematics are hierarchical, the hierarchy will be reflected in the PDF bookmarks with the top-level sheet appearing at one level and all sub-sheets appearing as sub-bookmarks.

If you have enabled the option to Use Physical Structure as part of the export process, the resulting PDF document will contain separate sheets for each channel in a multi-channel design. Clicking on a bookmark will zoom to the area of the document where that object resides.

The level of zoom applied is determined by the altium designer 17 guide free control slider bar setting on the Additional PDF Settings увидеть больше. Where possible, the object will be centered within the main display window of the PDF Viewer. Highlighting will be applied when browsing by Components, Pins, Ports, or Net Labels for ease of reference.

Altium Designer includes component parameters in generated PDF output. Once generated, you can click on a component on a sheet in your PDF and peruse its по ссылке in a convenient pop-up. If you do not want to allow component vmware workstation 12 cant run on windows free to be viewed altium designer 17 guide free this way, disable uncheck the Include Component Parameters option in the Adobe dreamweaver cc 2018 full indir free Information altium designer 17 guide free of the Additional PDF Settings page.

You can click it to follow the link and access the URL in your external Web browser. Smart PDF Wizard. Using Altium Documentation. Now reading version All settings are remembered except for Altium designer 17 guide free File Name. If you choose to export the current project, you will be presented with further options for selecting documents on the next page of the wizard.

If you chose Current Document on the previous page Choose Export Targetthis page is not displayed. Global Bookmarks for nets will only be generated if the Generate nets information option is also enabled. You can either change the paper size for the output generator and thus return the connecting line to a green state before the applicable output can altium designer 17 guide free successfully generated, or simply change the target medium to one that does support your chosen paper size.

When a paper size mismatch exists and you opt to change the paper size for the configured output generator, using the Page Setup command for the generator will bring up an information dialog. This alerts you to the issue and notifies you that the paper sizing has been restored to its default.

What this means is that the paper size drop-down in the configuration dialog is refreshed with the standard set of supported paper sizes PDF Output Container or the set of paper sizes supported by the target printer Hard Copy.

If you did not enable the option to generate net information, only component information will be available in the generated PDF. This feature altium designer 17 guide free regardless if generating a PDF of a single schematic sheet or of the entire project. Shortened forms of URL are not supported, such as www. Printer-friendly version.

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Smart PDF Wizard | Altium Designer User Manual | Documentation - The Design


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